Things can be very relaxing or tiresome

Relaxing is if your leg is passively moved 4 hours a day while the neighbour`s cat is sleeping next to you.
Tiresome is if your house has 3 steep stairs and for every coffee, tea or food you have to crawl backwards on your hands to get to the next floor (due to terribly aching thigh muscle Eugen constructed a slide for my leg which reduced pain)

Relaxing part

Relaxing part

Tiresome part

Tiresome part

First week after surgery

My main work....observing my foot while moving and the trees while growing (cat just enjoying time)

Still first week after surgery

First foor from dining room with view onto balcony

Second week after surgery

First activity: painting old coffee bags to decorate old flower pots


Focus on bunnies, especially when out of chocolate

Every morning the same......


from my chair first floor while having coffee

still the same

view with water on the window

After that

Japanese tea ceremony step by step